I have a qustion regarding data conflicts.
To be honest i am a little bit confused by one solution in the 2017 exam.

Taking a look at the drawn in conflicts, it becomes quite clear that only conflicts that could acctually happen on a given processor (doe to the piline architecture) are drawn in (otherwise RAW: 2-> 7).
Quite obviosly this programm is executued on a processor without register bypassing(RAW: 0->3).
So far so good.
The things i dont understand are the WAW and WAR conflicts.
Since we only write registers in WB, WAW and WAR conflicts could never occure or am i wrong ?
This task propably uses a different processor right ?
Or are simply not all conflicts drwan in ?
And I have two more unrealted questions.
In the exam, could it happen that we need to draw the scoreboard ?
And lastly, should we report all mistakes in the solutions \ exams ?
i found a handfull of them :
e.g. : 2017 Task 2 a : A4 Tag should be 7 insted of 6
2015 exam . in one grammar the the tuple sais that the start sybol is E but througout the hole solution A is used as the start symbol (i guess because it is the first production rule )
I foud a few more, but i cant remember them of hand =)
I hope you can help me
Thanks in advance