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This is regarding my query regarding a pre-requisite subject for my masters studies (International student).
As I got to know from exam department that , students are given only 2 attempts for pre-requisite subject.
I got failed in one attempt and only one attempt is left.
I have scored around 60 credits for my masters in 2 semesters. 
My query is what happens if I fail in second attempt of my pre-requisite subject, I am quite nervous regarding this. Will I be forced to leave this course which in turn may lead to leave the country?
The pre-requisite subject is quite difficult and bachelors students have 3 attempts with oral exam attempt.
Could anyone please help in this.

in # Study-Organisation (Master) by (640 points)
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Below is the paragraph of the examination rules that are applied in your case. To keep it short: if you should not pass the requirement with at most one repetition, you will be no longer enrolled and you therefore can no longer continue with the master program. If you have doubts to pass the exam, better consult your mentor and the examiner (maybe you can be given additional material for self-studying). 

§ 2a Admission subject to conditions

(1) If an applicant has passed a university final examination qualifying for admission to a profession, but this examination is not equivalent within the meaning of §2, paragraph 1, no. 2, the applicant may be admitted subject to conditions under the requirements of paragraph 2, sentence 1. The conditions are intended to provide evidence of the study and examination achievements which, according to the examination board, are still missing and which, together with the final university examination, result in equivalence in accordance with § 2, paragraph 1, no. 2.

(2) Admission is subject to the following conditions

  1. fulfills the general requirements according to the enrollment regulations of the University of Kaiserslautern,
  2. has successfully passed a university examination qualifying him/her for a profession,
  3. according to the determination of the Examination Committee, in order to fulfill the purpose of the conditions (paragraph 1, sentence 2), still has to prove a maximum of 30 LP from the modules according to the currently valid Bachelor Examination Regulations for the study program Computer Science at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern.
  4. proves the professional aptitude according to the aptitude determination procedure according to appendix 2 or can prove it with the fulfillment of the requirements and
  5. is linguistically suitable for the study program according to § 2 paragraph 5 and 6.

(3) Admission subject to conditions is not permitted if the Examination Committee determines that more than 30 LP must be acquired in accordance with the currently valid Bachelor Examination Regulations for the degree program in Information Technology at the University of Kaiserslautern in order to fulfill the purpose of the conditions (Paragraph 1 Sentence 2).

(4) An examination that has not been passed within the framework of the requirements can be repeated once. All requirements, including any repeat examinations, must be fulfilled within the first four examination periods.

(5) If one of the requirements is not fulfilled, the student shall be excluded from taking further courses and examinations and his/her re-registration shall be refused. The student shall receive notification of this; § 19 paragraph 4 shall apply accordingly. The work performed within the scope of the conditions shall be included in the notification pursuant to § 21, paragraph 7.

(6) In all other respects, the provisions of the currently valid Bachelor's Examination Regulations in Computer Science of the University of Kaiserslautern shall apply accordingly to the course and examination achievements within the scope of the requirements.

by (170k points)

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