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What is the precedence rules for temporal operators ?

In the below slide there are precedence rules for propositional logic:

What would be the precedence of temporal operators (Until, Before and When) with respect to the above operators in slide ?

For e.g :

 [(G¬b) ∨ (Gb) B a] -> which one to solve first ? 

 [{(G¬b) ∨ (Gb)} B a] OR [(G¬b) ∨ {(Gb) B a}]

in * TF "Emb. Sys. and Rob." by (2.9k points)

1 Answer

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For binary temporal operators, it does not matter since we always use brackets for them. For the unary operators, the precedence is like the negation, i.e. strongest.
by (170k points)
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Thanks for the explanation.

Could you please explain how to interpret Q8 (d) 21.08.2018 : ?

 [(G¬b) ∨ (Gb) B a] as the bracket is on all.
For binary operators like B, you can apply the pattern [* SB * ] to determine the two arguments of the operator. Hence, (G¬b) ∨ (Gb) is the left operator of SB and "a" is the right one.
Thanks a lot for this explanation.

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