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I have received 8 credit points ( out of 16CP in the old system) in my minor subject. They were seminars, hence ungraded. But I want to drop those points and move to the new curriculum so that I can take up interesting subjects from my/other specializations. Or is it advisable to ask my mentor to reduce the number of credit points in my minor and increase it in Specialization / Supplement block while staying in the old system?
in # Study-Organisation (Master) by (280 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
As far as I know, the laws require that all modules done so far have to be checked to decide whether they can be used in the new study program. The new supplement block allows one to put there many modules, and I guess also those on your list of the minor.

Hence, if you would not like to make those exams on your new plan, and if you already decided to switch to the new system where those exams are not required, I would recommend to drop those modules for the plan of this semester. But first of all, better make a new plan for the new curriculum, and discuss that one with your mentor, and then decide on whether you want to switch or not.
by (170k points)
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