While submitting answer to Exercise 4, Question 2 d, I tried entering 2 of the initial states(They did not have any outgoing/incoming edges) along with other actual reachable states. But it turned out to be incorrect. Then I removed them and wrote rest of states, it got accepted.
What I had thought earlier was all initial states by default will be reachable whether or not it has incoming edges. But the answer doesn't second that thought. What's the actual answer?
Detail: For the given FSM,

Answer I thought : (!p&q&!a&!o)|(p&q&!a&!o)|(!p&q&!a&o)|(p&q&!a&o)|(!p&q&a&!o)|(!p&q&a&o)|(p&!q&!a&o)|(p&!q&!a&!o)|(p&!q&a&!o)|(p&!q&a&o)|(p&q&a&!o)|(p&q&a&o)
Answer accepted: (!p&q&!a&!o)|(p&q&!a&!o)|(!p&q&!a&o)|(p&q&!a&o)|(p&!q&!a&o)|(p&!q&!a&!o)|(p&!q&a&!o)|(p&!q&a&o)|(p&q&a&!o)|(p&q&a&o)