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And again, I am now in struggle with exercise 2.

in * TF "Emb. Sys. and Rob." by (650 points)
Could you please explain what Sheet4/Ex2 is about? Remember the questions and answers should also be useful for students in another semester later on. It would also help others to give you an answer.
Oh sorry, we have a given FSM with given propositional formula for the initial states as well as one for the transition. The question for the first part of the exercise, which i am no struggling at, is to derive from this FSM the state transition diagram. For this we shall maintain the given labels (seen in picture) as well as the inputs {a}, {} and outputs {o},{}

2 Answers

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Best answer

Here is the cruel way to solve it: We compute a full DNF for the transition relation

    (next(q)  ∧  ¬(q->p)  ∧  (a ∨ o ∨ next(p)))

which is

    ¬p ∧ q ∧ ¬a ∧ ¬o ∧  next(p) ∧ next(q) ∨ 
    ¬p ∧ q ∧ ¬a ∧  o ∧  next(p) ∧ next(q) ∨ 
    ¬p ∧ q ∧  a ∧ ¬o ∧  next(p) ∧ next(q) ∨ 
    ¬p ∧ q ∧  a ∧  o ∧  next(p) ∧ next(q) ∨ 
    ¬p ∧ q ∧ ¬a ∧  o ∧ ¬next(p) ∧ next(q) ∨ 
    ¬p ∧ q ∧  a ∧ ¬o ∧ ¬next(p) ∧ next(q) ∨ 
    ¬p ∧ q ∧  a ∧  o ∧ ¬next(p) ∧ next(q)

Hence, you should have seven transitions in the explicit representation of the transitions. They all start in state {q} and either go to state {q} or to state {p,q}.

by (170k points)
selected by
Thank you very much, so my thoughts in my comment after @Martin's response was right. So an additional thank you for Martin as well.
0 votes
You've forgotten some transitions. For each line, you wrote only one transition. Just that a line doesn't mention a variable doesn't mean it needs to be false. Hence, every line should become four transitions.

The initial states however are completely correct.
by (25.6k points)
In this part of the exercise, I just need to have the state transition diagram. So according to this, should this be now:
(2, {a}, {o}, 2);
(2, {a}, {}, 2);
(2, {}, {o}, 2);  --- here the transition (2, {}, {}, 2); is not added because in the first to clausel there is at least one input/output to be true.

(2, {a}, {o}, 3);
(2, {a}, {}, 3);
(2, {}, {o}, 3);
(2, {}, {}, 3);
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