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Question from exercise:

My construction as first step:

My Final construction:

My answer for this was

labels 0:s0,s3; 1:s1; 2:s3; 3:s1,s2; 4:; 5:s1,s2,s3;     // encode Q

labels 0:; 1:s1; 2:; 3:s1,s2; 4:; 5:s1,s2;     // encode Qf

init 0;

transitions (0,{a},,1); (0,{},,2); (1,{a},,3); (1,{},,4); (2,{a},,1); (2,{},,4); (3,{a},,5); (3,{},,4); (5,{a},,5); (5,{},,4); (4,{a},,4); (4,{},,4);

accept 1,3,5;

This answer was accepted.

My question is related to type of automaton.
G: Safety Automata: it means always in accepting state.
F: Liveness Automata: it means eventually visit an accepting state at least once.
FG: Co-Büchi Automata: always visit an accepting state.
GF: Büchi Automata: final state must be accepting state.
If I am given just an automaton like the one, I drew in my first step. How can I determine the type of automaton from that?

Thank you in advance!
in * TF "Emb. Sys. and Rob." by (380 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Great that you managed the task. 

About your question: If just an automaton is given with some accepting states, you cannot know or guess the acceptance condition. For any automaton and any set of accepting states, you could consider anyone of the acceptance conditions G,F,GF,GF and also others. The language accepted by the automaton will typically change with the acceptance condition. We have to decide what we want to express with the automaton and based on that, we have to determine the right state transitions, initial states, accepting states, and acceptance condition. That is part of the specification that somebody has to carefully make.

Bytheway, you can also double-check your result with the teaching tool when you use the following input (where a0 means {} and a1 means {a}):

inputs a0,a1;
init 0,3;
    (0,a0,3); (0,a1,1);
    (1,a1,1); (1,a1,2);
accept 1,2;

Then, the given automaton looks like this (as you know): 

and the one obtained by the breakpoint construction is as follows: 

by (170k points)
After this point how could we decide about the type of the deterministic automaton? could you please explain?
Well, automata are there to accept a language, and to accept the right language you need the right acceptance condition as well as the right states and transitions. So, the language that is to be specified determines which kind of acceptance condition is required. Sometimes, we have choices, but sometime, a certain acceptance condition is required.
could you please give an example wrt the above diagram?
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