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in the last exam (exam 2020.02.19) in problem 5 b) you should draw the finite state transition diagram for A({q}, ¬q,(q ⇒ ¬q' | (q' ↔ b)), FG¬q).

I'm confused because of the truth table of (q ⇒ ¬q' | (q' ↔ b)).

Does => mean something different than a 'normal' implication? If I interprete it as a implication the disjunction is stronger than the implication. Therefor the truth table has to be 1 if p is equal to 0. The sample solution looks like this:

solution exam 2020.02 Problem 5b)

in * TF "Emb. Sys. and Rob." by (210 points)

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The meaning of (p => q | r) is "if p then q else r", i.e., the Shannon operator and that syntax is used in the lecture slides very often. So, it does not mean (p -> q | r) which would be an implication of a variable p and a disjunction. In teaching tools, we rather use the typical programming language syntax which would be "(p ? q : r)".
by (170k points)
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