I have a question regarding the computation of the action table of SLR(0) parser.

Considering the FSA, I make the following steps to compute the action table:
1. "accept" in the $ column of the state that contains the item S' --> S.
2. Shifts and GoTos by considering all edges
Now I struggle with the reductions and I have the following questions:
1. Of course only the states that have no outgoing edges (if there are no conflicts) may contain reductions, but why do the b and $ columns always contain the same reductions and the a column never contains one?
2. Is it right that there is a R/S conflict in stat q3 because there is a Shift and a Reduce in the same state?
3. Do I have to consider the FOLLOW-Sets of the NTs and if yes, at which point?
I hope I have pointed my problems out clearly enough. Thank you for any help advance!
Best regards