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While translating the transition relations into diagram using truth table I find out for the {} set the transition is !q’|p’ , for q transition is (p’ exor q’) & (!q’|!p’) for p transition is (p’ exor q’) & (q’|p’) and for pq transition is q’|!p’ . And the initial states are !p&!q.

If we try to translate this transition to DNF for every state in exam it will take so much time. Is there any way how to draw the diagram from it.
in # Study-Organisation (Master) by (190 points)

1 Answer

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Typically, the best way is to make case distinctions on the most relevant variables, i.e., the variables that will reduce the remaining formula as much as possible. Usually, it is recommended to start with the variables that encode the current state, but it may also make sense to do that early for the next-state variables. The xor-operations are quite simple in this sense, since if you make a case distinction on p' or q' you will see that not much will be left.
by (170k points)
Clarification needed on state q

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